Breathe. Relax. Renew.

Maximizing your mobility and enhancing your performance.

Let the Healing Begin

Blog posts

Secrets to Getting the Most Out of your Massage

Secrets to Getting the Most Out of your Massage

Regularly scheduled Massage Therapy can substantially enhance your quality of life, health and wellness. At Body Balance and Harmony, we offer a c...
Football players tackle injury with Massage Therapy

Football players tackle injury with Massage Therapy

WHAT IS SPORTS MASSAGE? Sports massage is a little different in that it has a specific physical goal; to help prevent injury- or in the event of i...
10 Signs Your Body Needs a Massage

10 Signs Your Body Needs a Massage

Massages are no longer an indulgence for the rich and famous. More and more everyday people of all ages are learning how regular massages help lead to a better quality of life. So how do you know when you need a massage?


Find out how the ancient practice of foot reflexology can help to relieve pain and stress, reverse disease, and increase energy flow in the body.

Deep Tissue Massage

Relieve stress. Ease pain. Move easier. Lower heart rate and blood pressure.

Pre-Natal Massage

Reduces pregnancy discomforts and concerns, and enhances the physiological and emotional well-being of both mother and baby.

Who gets a Massage, where and why?